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Idea of 5S (Skill, Scale, Speed, Smart and Sustain)

I was hearing to Sri Narendra Modi's speech, he tossed an idea of 3S to be followed by Indians to overtake China.

What are these 3S?


It's very interesting and innovative idea . I started comparing this 3S to every work / project / activity. It really makes some sense if you implement this 3S in any activity to achieve success. I also thought and added other 2S.


So total 5S idea for success.

Let's discuss about each S

Skill :

One needs to be skilled and competent in his area to achieve his goals. Skill should be developed by learning and practicing.

Scale :

Scale represents mass or big. You want to achieve something then achieve big. Have a big dream.

Speed :

Whatever you do you should be fast. In this competition world we have to jog to stand at the same place. To achieve more we should be faster.

Smart :

You should be smarter to win the race. Smart thinking will give you very good results and status. More smarter you are more you achieve.

Sustain :

Once you have achieved success you should sustain. You should continually improve on your strength.

I am trying to follow this 5S rules where ever possible.

Try this and let me know your views.


Jeevan Hebbalu

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